This is all we need….a scumbag conservative in office.

.– Posted by NONENONE ONE on Thu, Apr 15, 2010, 10:52 am EST

via Conservative radio host runs for Congress: Rutland Herald Online.

The above comment was from the comment section of the article on the Herald web site.  If I, or any of you, needed any proof that I shouldn’t be engaging with anyone in that particular forum, then I offer this as Exhibit A.

That said, I wish Mr. Beaudry well in his campaign to win the U.S. Representative seat.

Somewhat related aside, Peter Welch’s campaign manager, Jon Copans is an aquaintance of mine and a very close friend of my brother, Lars.  His older brother Roy, a senior , played trumpet in band with me, a freshman percussionist at Brattleboro Union High School in the late ’80s.  Roy is now married to one of my former students, Lesley Bannister, who played tuba for me at Rutland High School.
